
Prostate Cancer Library
Charting the Course for the Road Ahead


Charting the Course for the Road Ahead

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There's no question that the dietary and lifestyle habits of Americans have changed significantly over the past few decades, and, for the most part, it hasn't been for the better. On the whole, we're READ MORE
utritional Approaches and Therapeutic Strategies Going Hand in Hand Dietary and lifestyle changes can play an important role in slowing the growth of prostate cancer, but they should complement, not replace, any drug therapy, surgery, and/or radiation treatments that might be recommended by your physician. Be sure to talk with your doctor before initiating any nutritional approaches, particularly if you have any medical conditions that affect your diet and lifestyle, such as diabetes or heart disease. Remember, as with the foods that you put into your body, it's the quality of the effort that counts, not the quantity. A diagnosis of prostate cancer is the beginning of your journey, not the end. Every small step toward a healthier lifestyle is important and will ultimately contribute to your efforts in battling this disease.
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