Once prostate cancer has spread to the bones and lymph nodes how long is life expectancy?
Once prostate cancer has spread to the bones and lymph nodes how long is life expectancy?

My father in law has had prostate cancer for 7 years and it has moved to the spine. He now has 12 tumors in the spine and it has spread to the lymph nodes. His psa was 60 last month and today it was 84. How bad is this and how long is the life expectancy after the cancer is in the lymph nodes?
Chemotherapy is no longer working (hasn’t worked for months) and all other treatments have failed. Now he is going to be given just pain meds. He is 74 and he has diabetes.
Its in the lower lymph nodes only right now.

http://www.eprostateproblems.com/ says: 2009-08-30 08:29:03
Life expectancy after a diagnosis of prostate cancer will depend on what stage the cancerous tumor has progressed to, your age and by you to consider all treatment options. In the end, prostate cancer survivability rests with early diagnosis and effective treatment. Since we use the early detection tests for prostate cancer became fairly common (the prostate cancer death rate has dropped significant but it has not been proven that this is a direct result of screening.

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