Treatment options by stage of Prostate Cancer
Treatment Options for Stage I Prostate Cancer

Internal radiation therapy
External radiation therapy
Radical prostatectomy
Watch and waiting
Clinical trial may be available for high-intensity focused ultrasound, radiation therapy, and other treatments

Treatment Options for Stage II Prostate Cancer

Radical prostatectomy
Radiation therapy (internal and external)
Watch and wait
Implant radiation therpy
Clinical trial with radiation therapy and hormone therapy,ultrasound-guided cryosurgery and other methods of treatment in clinical trials

Treatment Options for Stage III Prostate Cancer

Externalradiation therapy with or without hormone therapy
Hormone therapy
Radical prostatectomy
Watch and wait
Radiation therapy, hormone therapy, or transurethral resection of the prostate as palliative therapy to relieve symptoms caused by the cancer
A clinical trial of radiation therapy, ultrasound-guided cryosurgery, or other methods of treatment.

Treatment Options for Stage IV Prostate Cancer

Patient may want to consider clinical trials
Hormone therapy
Watch and wait
Radical prstatectomy
Clinical trial of chemotherapy
Other methods in clinical trials

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