
Prostate Cancer Library
Prostate Seed Implantation


Video : Prostate seed implantation--also called brachytherapy

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Prostate seed implantation--also called brachytherapy--has become more and more popular in recent years as a treatment option for prostate cancer, and New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's decision to und READ MORE

How Does Seed Implantation Work

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Prostate seed implantation, or brachytherapy, is a procedure to place radioactive rice-sized "seeds" into the cancerous prostate. The goal of the treatment is to kill cancer cells with radiation while READ MORE

Advantages and Disadvantages of Seed inplants for treatment of Prostate cancer

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Advantages of seed implants: The procedure takes about one hour, then the patient walks out of the clinic and is driven home by a friend or family member. Most patients are back to a normal routine READ MORE

Prostate Seed Implanation

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Prostate Seed Implantation (Brachytherapy or Internal Radiation): Tiny radioactive pellets or seeds are placed in or near the prostate cancer tumor. Cancer cells are killed by the energy given off as READ MORE

Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatments

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How does a man decide on the best treatment option for prostate cancer? Dr. Gregory Echt is a radiation oncologist, a doctor who specializes in using radiation to treat cancer. He and his team offer READ MORE
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