A “new” prostate cancer awareness day? Why not!
Copyright (c) 2008 Prostate Cancer International, Inc.
A “new” prostate cancer awareness day? Why not!
Posted on January 22, 2009 by E. Michael D. ("Mike") Scott
Once upon a time there was a prostate cancer awareness week in the third week of September every year. Then (at least in America) it grew into prostate cancer awareness month. Now the BrownBryd Prostate Cancer Foundation (based in New York) has started to promote prostate cancer awareness day on February 2 … and they have buy-in from government officials in places like South Fargo, ND, Pittsburgh, PA, Dayton, OH, Hew Haven, CT, Las Vegas, NV, and Manchester NH, as well as from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former president George W. Bush. According to actor, director, producer Kevin Byrd and Blossom Brown, government officials in 25 different states have signed on to this event.
Why have another prostate cancer awareness day? Well why the heck not? Maybe we should scratch prostate cancer awareness month and work for one day every month that is prostate cancer awareness day for that month!
Back in 2003 Kevin wrote a short film titled “The Last Dayz”, which illustrated the life of a young male who is diagnosed with prostate cancer, and who learns how to cope with the realization of having this disease. The BrownByrd Foundation is still using this this film as a tool to make men (and particularly African American men, aware about the importance of being tested for prostate cancer regularly, and to make women aware of the importance of getting the men that they love to be tested.
Kevin and the BrownByrd Prostate Cancer Foundation are looking for support that anyone wants to offer in trying to reach as many people as possible in the 25 states in which February 2, 2009 has been designated prostate awareness day:
They still need of venue where they can hold an event in New York City and screen the film “The Last Dayz”.
They would like to be able to have doctors available to perform PSA screenings.
They need pamphlets and books that participants can take home with them about prostate cancercancer, and anything thing else that you think may be of help.
