Information for the Partner of a Man with Prostate Cancer
Help for partners of men with prostate cancer
Prostate cancer can be a physical and emotional challenge-not just for the man, but also for his spouse or partner. Together, the man and his partner must find the right treatment. Together, they have to fight and overcome the disease. And they have to learn to live with whatever temporary or permanent side effects remain.
The challenges are not easy. For the man, prostate cancer can bring fear, anger, depression, anxiety, feelings of inadequacy, loss of self-esteem and physical pain. The partner's feelings often mirror those of the man; the reasons for this may be different, but they are no less real.
Hundreds of thousands of couples have dealt with prostate cancer. Many of them have shared their experiences in order to help others successfully cope with the disease. In this section you will find information for partners for dealing with prostate cancer, based on what others have experienced.
Click on the links to the left to learn what to expect, how to personally cope, and how to successfully confront prostate cancer and support a man who has it.
