List of Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer
List of Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer
The list of risk factors mentioned for Prostate Cancer in various sources includes:
Age - usually men over 55, average age of 70
Family history of prostate cancer
Race - more common in African Americans than Caucasians.
High-animal-fat diet
Poor diet
Vasectomy - not all studies agree that this does increase the risk of prostate cancer.
TopRisk factors discussion:
What You Need To Know About Cancer - An Overview: NCI (Excerpt)
Smoking may also increase the likelihood of developing cancers of the stomach, liver, prostate, colon, and rectum. The risk of cancer begins to decrease soon after a smoker quits, and the risk continues to decline gradually each year after quitting. (Source: excerpt from What You Need To Know About Cancer - An Overview: NCI)
What You Need To Know About Cancer - An Overview: NCI (Excerpt)
Some evidence suggests a link between a high-fat diet and certain cancers, such as cancers of the colon, uterus, and prostate. Being seriously overweight may be linked to breast cancer among older women and to cancers of the prostate, pancreas, uterus, colon, and ovary. On the other hand, some studies suggest that foods containing fiber and certain nutrients may help protect against some types of cancer. (Source: excerpt from What You Need To Know About Cancer - An Overview: NCI)
What You Need To Know About Prostate Cancer: NCI (Excerpt)
Studies have found that the following risk factors are associated with prostate cancer:
Age. In the United States, prostate cancer is found mainly in men over age 55. The average age of patients at the time of diagnosis is 70.
Family history of prostate cancer. A man's risk for developing prostate cancer is higher if his father or brother has had the disease.
Race. This disease is much more common in African American men than in white men. It is less common in Asian and American Indian men.
Diet and dietary factors. Some evidence suggests that a diet high in animal fat may increase the risk of prostate cancer and a diet high in fruits and vegetables may decrease the risk. Studies are in progress to learn whether men can reduce their risk of prostate cancer by taking certain dietary supplements.
Although a few studies suggested that having a vasectomy might increase a man's risk for prostate cancer, most studies do not support this finding. Scientists have studied whether benign prostatic hyperplasia, obesity, lack of exercise, smoking, radiation exposure, or a sexually transmitted virus might increase the risk for prostate cancer. At this time, there is little evidence that these factors contribute to an increased risk. (Source: excerpt from What You Need To Know About Prostate Cancer: NCI)
