New PETA Billboard Asks Milk-Drinking Montana Males, 'Got Prostate Cancer?'
New PETA Billboard Asks Milk-Drinking Montana Males, 'Got Prostate Cancer?'
Latest Research Confirms Earlier Studies: Dairy and Other Animal Products Contribute to Higher Risk of Developing the Disease
February 24, 2009
Billings, Mont.-- In the wake of the most recent study that has found a direct link between the consumption of dairy products and an increased risk of developing prostate cancer, PETA will be placing a potentially lifesaving billboard in Billings. In a parody of the ubiquitous "Got Milk?" promotion, the new billboard shows a glass of milk next to the tagline "Got Prostate Cancer?" Why Billings? Because Montana has one of the highest per capita rates of prostate cancer in the country.
The study -- conducted by Oxford University -- confirmed several previous studies that showed that a diet rich in dairy, meat, and other animal products may increase a man's chances of developing prostate cancer. Such a diet significantly raises the levels of a hormone called insulin-like growth factor (IGF); men with elevated blood levels of IGF were 40 percent more likely to develop prostate cancer than men with lower levels. This explains why multiple studies have found that men who eat diets high in animal products are more likely to suffer from prostate cancer than men who stick to a healthy plant-based diet.
There's more bad news about milk. Consumption of dairy products has also been strongly linked to other kinds of cancer, heart disease, and obesity in adults and allergies, ear infections, and juvenile onset diabetes in children. Cows suffer too. They are repeatedly impregnated so that farmers can sell the milk intended for their babies. Newborn male calves are traumatically taken from their mothers within hours of birth and confined to tiny, filthy crates before they are slaughtered for veal.
"The list of potentially life-threatening diseases linked to meat and milk consumption keeps growing, and now you can add prostate cancer to the mix," says PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich. "If men in Montana want to enjoy the Big Sky Country for as many years as they can, they should dump dairy products and meat and start stocking up on delicious, healthy soy milk, veggie burgers, and other animal-free fare."
