Prostatic cancer: Causes and incidence
Prostatic cancer: Causes and incidence
(Professional Guide to Diseases (Eighth Edition))
Four factors have been suspected in the development of prostatic cancer: family or racial predisposition, exposure to environmental elements, co-existing sexually transmitted diseases, and endogenous hormonal influence. Eating fat-containing animal products has also been implicated. Although androgens regulate prostate growth and function and may also speed tumor growth, no definite link between increased androgen levels and prostatic cancer has been found. When primary prostatic lesions metastasize, they typically invade the prostatic capsule and spread along the ejaculatory ducts in the space between the seminal vesicles or perivesicular fascia.
Incidence is highest in Blacks and lowest in Asians. In fact, Black Americans have the highest prostate cancer incidence in the world and are considered at high risk for the disease. Incidence also increases with age more rapidly than any other cancer.
