Stem Cells and Cancer: The Polycomb Connection
tem Cells and Cancer: The Polycomb Connection
Merel E. Valk-Lingbeek, Sophia W. M. Bruggeman and Maarten van Lohuizen,
The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Department of Molecular Genetics, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Available online 19 August 2004.
Proteins from the Polycomb group (PcG) are epigenetic chromatin modifiers involved in cancer development and also in the maintenance of embryonic and adult stem cells. The therapeutic potential of stem cells and the growing conviction that tumors contain stem cells highlights the importance of understanding the extrinsic and intrinsic circuitry controlling stem cell fate and their connections to cancer.
Article Outline
• Main Text
• Setting the Stage: Role for PcG Genes in Stem Cells
• PcG and Embryonic Stem Cells
• PRC1 PcG Genes Bmi1, Mph1/Rae28, and Mel-18 Regulate the Self-Renewal of Hematopoietic Stem Cells
• Unexpected Functions for PRC2 PcG Genes in Hematopoietic Cells
• Bmi1 Is Necessary for Neural Stem Cell Renewal and Early Neural Progenitors
• Other PcG Genes in the Nervous System
• The Tumor Suppressor Locus Ink4a/Arf Is an Important PcG Target in Stem Cells
• Are Hox Genes Implicated as PcG Targets in Stem Cells?
• Self-Renewal Capacity of Cancer Stem Cells Is Regulated by Bmi1
• Prospective Roles for Other PcG Genes in Cancer Stem Cells
• Concluding Remarks
• Acknowledgements
• References
Main Text
The Polycomb Group (PcG) gene family is highly conserved throughout evolution. Originally, PcG genes were discovered in Drosophila as repressors of Homeotic genes, which are necessary for establishment of the body plan and segmentation. Also in mammals, PcG genes are implicated in Homeobox (Hox) gene regulation. Their biological activity lies in stable silencing of specific sets of genes through chromatin modifications. This capacity makes them interesting subjects for stem cell research, since it is conceivable that dynamic reprogramming of cells, for instance during differentiation, requires alterations in the epigenetic state of gene expression programs.
Two distinct multiprotein PcG complexes have been identified (reviewed in Lund and van Lohuizen, 2004; and see Table 1 for names and corresponding Drosophila counterparts). Polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) is involved in the initiation of silencing and contains histone deacetylases and histone methyltransferases, that can methylate histone H3 lysine 9 and 27, marks of silenced chromatin, and histone H1 lysine 26 (van der Vlag and Otte 1999; Cao et al. 2002; Czermin et al. 2002; Muller et al. 2002 and Kuzmichev et al. 2004). Deletion of PRC2 genes in mice results in early embryonic lethality, underscoring their importance in development (Schumacher et al. 1996 and O'Carroll et al. 2001). Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) is implicated in stable maintenance of gene repression and recognizes, by means of a chromodomain, the H3 lysine 27 mark set by PRC2 (Czermin et al., 2002). Its precise in vivo mode of action is not completely understood, but in vitro it is found to interact with histone methyltransferases, histones, and to counteract SWI/SNF-chromatin-remodeling complexes ( Breiling et al. 1999; Levine et al. 2002; Ogawa et al. 2002 and Sewalt et al. 2002). Recent evidence in Drosophila suggests that PcG inhibits the transcription initiation machinery (Dellino et al. 2004 and Wang et al. 2004). Mice mutant for most PRC1 members survive until birth as a result of partial functional redundancy provided by homologs (van der Lugt et al. 1994; Akasaka et al. 2001; Core et al. 1997 and Takihara et al. 1997). An exception to this rule is Rnf2 deficiency, resulting in an early lethal phenotype similar to PRC2-deficient mice (Voncken et al., 2003).
Table 1. Polycomb Nomenclature
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However, the existence of only two PcG complexes is an oversimplification, as recent evidence in flies and mammals indicates that heterogeneous protein complexes of varying composition can be formed even within one cell (reviewed in Lund and van Lohuizen, 2004). For instance, Ezh2 can associate with different isoforms of Eed thereby determining the specificity of the histone methyltransferase activity, i.e., toward histone H3 lysine 27 or histone H1 lysine 26 (Kuzmichev et al., 2004). This recent finding is intriguing given the important role of H1-linker histones in mediating higher order chromatin folding. Furthermore, PcG complexes are regulated in a cell cycle-dependent manner, necessary to ensure that chromatin marks are correctly reset upon DNA replication (Voncken et al. 1999 and Akasaka et al. 2002). Lastly, posttranslational modifications influence localization and activity of PcG (Voncken et al. 1999 and Akasaka et al. 2002). Clearly, PcG proteins and PcG complex composition are highly regulated in a dynamic and complicated manner allowing for gene, tissue, and differentiation stage-specific function.
Setting the Stage: Role for PcG Genes in Stem Cells
Stem cells are defined as cells able to both extensively self-renew and differentiate into progenitors. Embryonic stem (ES) cells and embryonic germ cells are said to be pluripotent because they can give rise to all cell types of the embryo proper. Adult or somatic stem cells (SSCs) often are multi- or oligopotent, indicating they can give rise to a subset of cell lineages, or unipotent, when they only contribute to one type of mature cells. Stem cells are believed to reside in many, if not all, adult tissues, and have been well described for intestine, skin, muscle, blood, and nervous system. Notably, it is not only intrinsic properties that determine stem cell fate: extrinsic cues given by the stem cell “niche” are at least of equal importance.
Recent results highlight that stem cell fate is in part governed by the PcG genes. First indications came from Bmi1-deficient mice, which suffer from progressive loss of hematopoietic cells and cerebellar neurons (van der Lugt et al., 1994). In addition, Mph1/Rae28, which directly interacts with Bmi1 in the PRC1 complex, is required for sustaining activity of hematopoietic stem cells (Ohta et al., 2002). Over the last year, direct evidence implicated Bmi1 in the self-renewal of multiple stem cells as well as the proliferation of early cerebellar progenitors (Lessard and Sauvageau 2003; Molofsky et al. 2003; Park et al. 2003 and Leung et al. 2004). Importantly, in the cerebellum, Bmi1 is regulated by an extracellular-signaling molecule, the morphogen Sonic hedgehog (Shh) (Leung et al., 2004), providing for the first time a connection between PcG and a major developmental-signaling pathway. This connection may only be the beginning of our understanding of how complex mechanisms, required for embryogenesis and stem cell behavior, are organized.
PcG and Embryonic Stem Cells
ES cells can be viewed as the “mother” of all stem cells. They possess the unique capacity to undergo efficient and remarkably robust self-renewal in cell culture, and even upon prolonged culturing they retain the ability to undergo multiple differentiation pathways. When placed back in their own “niche” upon injection into blastocysts, ES cells resume normal behavior and contribute faithfully to all cell lineages. Under carefully controlled tissue culture conditions, it was found that cell-extrinsic signals, such as LIF and BMP4, regulate the self-renewal of ES cells. Cell-intrinsic signaling involves the concomitant receptors and signals down to transcription factors, such as Oct4 and Nanog (Niwa et al. 2000; Chambers et al. 2003 and Ying et al. 2003). These pathways are not yet fully understood, but PcG proteins might participate at some level considering that Ezh2, Eed, YY1, and Rnf2 all are essential for embryonic development (Schumacher et al. 1996; Donohoe et al. 1999; O'Carroll et al. 2001 and Voncken et al. 2003). Ezh2 and Rnf2 expression can be detected early in development at preimplantation stages, whereas robust Eed expression commences after implantation (Schumacher et al. 1996; O'Carroll et al. 2001 and Voncken et al. 2003). In vitro, Ezh2-deficient blastocysts fail to grow out and Ezh2-deficient ES cell lines cannot be established (O'Carroll et al., 2001). In contrast, Eed mutant ES cells are viable and can in the context of embryoid bodies differentiate into multiple cell types. Interestingly, Eed mutant ES cells can also contribute to more advanced embryonic stages in chimeras, indicating partial noncell autonomous rescue of Eed deficiency in vivo (Morin-Kensicki et al., 2001). It is formally possible that early in development, Ezh2 functions independently of Eed in the PRC2 complex. Alternatively, the Eed mutant may not represent a null allele, especially since Eed appears to be required for the ability of Ezh2 to methylate histone H3 (Cao et al., 2002). Furthermore, both Eed and Ezh2 become transiently localized to the inactive X during ES cell differentiation, and most importantly, in Eed-deficient cells X inactivation is not maintained (Plath et al. 2003 and Silva et al. 2003).
The crucial role of PRC1 member Rnf2 in development, for which Ring1a cannot compensate, suggests either a central role in complex formation for Rnf2, or the requirement of a transient contact between PRC1 and PRC2 via Rnf2 as described for Drosophila (Francis et al. 2001 and Poux et al. 2001). Another PRC1 protein, Mph1/Rae28, is highly expressed in ES cells but becomes rapidly downregulated upon differentiation (Loring et al. 2001 and Fortunel et al. 2003). It is clear that Polycomb silencing early in development needs both complexes, however, the precise mode of action needs more investigation.
PRC1 PcG Genes Bmi1, Mph1/Rae28, and Mel-18 Regulate the Self-Renewal of Hematopoietic Stem Cells
Hematopoiesis in mammals occurs in distinct temporal waves shifting from the extraembryonic yolk sac and fetal liver in embryos to bone marrow in adults. Definitive hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) replenish the pool of blood cells both by maintaining the stem cells and by allowing daughter cells to differentiate into the lymphoid, myeloid, and erythroid lineages. The stem cell niche in the bone marrow provides the cells with a specialized extracellular matrix secreted by a number of different cell types. An array of extracellular signaling pathways, such as Notch, BMP, JAK-STAT, and Wnt control hematopoietic stem cells (reviewed in Fuchs et al., 2004). However, relatively little is known about cell-intrinsic genetic and epigenetic mechanisms.
Expression of most PcG genes is upregulated in differentiating hematopoietic cells (Raaphorst et al., 2001), but Bmi1 and Mph1/Rae28 are highly expressed in primitive hematopoietic cells (Ohta et al. 2002 and Park et al. 2003). Most compelling, Bmi1, Mel-18, Mph1/Rae28, and M33 mutant mice suffer from various defects in the hematopoietic system, such as hypoplasia in spleen and thymus, reduction in overall T cell numbers, defects in B cell development, and an impaired proliferative response of lymphoid precursors to cytokines, in particular to interleukin 7 (IL-7) (van der Lugt et al. 1994; Akasaka et al. 1997 and Akasaka et al. 2001; Coré et al., 1997; Takihara et al., 1997).
Close inspection of fetal HSC pools revealed interesting differences and similarities between Bmi1-, Mel-18-, and Mph1/Rae28-deficient mice. Whereas fetal liver-derived HSCs (FL-HSCs) are present in normal numbers in Bmi1-deficient mice, the number of FL-HSCs from Mph1/Rae28-deficient mice progressively decreases from E14.5 onward (Ohta et al. 2002 and Park et al. 2003). However, both Bmi1- and Mph1/Rae28-deficient FL-HSCs are impaired in their proliferative and self-renewing capacity as was assessed in vitro and in vivo. (Ohta et al. 2002; Lessard and Sauvageau 2003 and Park et al. 2003). In the adult mouse, Bmi1-deficient HSCs are found less frequent and display strong defects in proliferation and self-renewal. However, they do give rise to a normal number of multipotent progenitors, suggesting that in vivo, the loss of stem cells is compensated by an increased formation of their immediate descendants (Park et al., 2003). Curiously, loss of Mel-18, a homolog of Bmi1, appears to enhance HSC self-renewal suggesting that the relative levels of a constituent in the complex dictate HSC self-renewal capacity (Kajiume et al., 2004). Analogous to B cell defects in PcG mutants resulting in part from unresponsiveness to IL-7, Bmi1, and Mph1/Rae28 self-renewal defects might reflect a poor response of mutant HSCs to stem cell growth factors. As to the differences between Bmi1- and Mph1/Rae28-deficient HSCs, it is likely that fetal and adult HSCs are regulated by different signals and mechanisms, only the latter of which requires Bmi1.
Unexpected Functions for PRC2 PcG Genes in Hematopoietic Cells
Another question is whether PRC2 is also involved in HSC function. Panhematopoietic ablation of Ezh2 revealed a block in early B cell differentiation, but no obvious effects on other lineages (Su et al., 2003). Perhaps Ezh2 is not required for normal HSC function, which would be remarkable since Ezh2 function is indispensable for ES cells. A more trivial explanation though is functional redundancy by Ezh1 (Su et al., 2003).
Surprisingly, Eed heterozygous or hypomorphic animals display a myeloid and lymphoid overproliferation phenotype (Lessard et al., 1999). Furthermore, they have an increased incidence and decreased latency of chemical-induced thymic lymphoma (Richie et al., 2002). These results suggest differential functions for PcG proteins in the control of hematopoietic cell proliferation: a negative function for PRC2-Eed containing complexes and a positive function for PRC1-Bmi1-Mph1/Rae28-containing complexes. Since Eed and Bmi1 are involved in distinct complexes and at least in Drosophila autoregulation loops exist, loss of Eed might lead to an overrepresentation of the Bmi1-Mph1/Rae28-containing stimulatory complexes, ultimately resulting in hematopoietic overproliferation.
Bmi1 Is Necessary for Neural Stem Cell Renewal and Early Neural Progenitors
Throughout adult life, two major neurogenic regions persist: the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricle wall and the subgranular zone of the hippocampus (Doetsch, 2003). With appropriate growth factors, cultured neural stem cells (NSCs) grow as adherent colonies or as “neurospheres,” floating clusters of stem cells and their progenitors. The precise cellular origin of neural stem cells and the nature of neurospheres in vitro is a subject of controversy. Accumulating evidence supports that in vivo, NSCs are astrocyte-like, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive cells (Doetsch et al. 1999; Seri et al. 2001 and Imura et al. 2003). However, in vitro neurospheres can also be derived from more mature transit-amplifying cells (Doetsch et al., 2002).
Prospective defects in the stem cell compartment of the nervous system of Bmi1-deficient mice could be deduced from their neurological phenotype (van der Lugt et al., 1994). The main problem appears to lie in the cerebellum, which is reduced in size due to severe loss of both molecular and granular layer neurons. Occasionally, degenerated neurons can be observed in the hippocampus, as well as extensive gliosis of the major white matter tracts. Strikingly, Bmi1-deficient mice become depleted of cerebral NSCs postnatally, indicating an in vivo requirement for Bmi1 in NSC renewal (Molofsky et al., 2003). In contrast to the cerebellum, cerebral development is largely completed around time of birth. An intriguing possibility therefore is that similar to fetal versus adult hematopoietic stem cells, neurogenesis during embryogenesis might be under separate control from that of adult NSCs and cerebellar progenitor cells, allowing “normal” development prebirth. Another possibility is that in response to stem cell depletion, progenitors receive signals from the niche that instruct them to “reprogram” their gene expression profile and become committed to an unfamiliar compensatory task. In line with this, Bmi1-deficient committed progenitors are present at normal frequencies and proliferate at a similar rate as wild-type progenitor colonies (Molofsky et al., 2003).
A clue as to which cell-extrinsic signals modulate PcG function in the nervous system came from a study of cerebellar granule neuron progenitors (CGNPs). Development of the cerebellum is guided by Purkinje cell excreted Shh, which drives a postnatal wave of proliferation of CGNPs in the external granular layer (EGL). In time, these cells become postmitotic, migrate inward, and differentiate into cerebellar granule neurons (Goldowitz and Hamre, 1998). At the molecular level, Shh acts by binding to its receptor, Patched (Ptch), releasing the inhibition of Ptch on the transmembrane protein Smoothened (Figure 1). This ultimately results in downstream signaling in the nucleus by Gli transcription factors (Rubin and Rowitch 2002 and Pasca di Magliano and Hebrok 2003). Proliferation of CGNPs in vitro can be induced by Shh and is accompanied by induction of N-myc, cyclin D1 and D2, in agreement with the observed defects in EGL of mice deficient for these genes (Ciemerych et al. 2002; Knoepfler et al. 2002 and Kenney et al. 2003). It was found that Bmi1-deficient CGNPs have an impaired proliferative response upon Shh stimulation. Importantly, in the same cells, Bmi1 expression can be induced by both Shh and Gli1 (Leung et al., 2004). These findings explain the reduced number of cerebellar granule neurons in Bmi1-deficient mice as a result of an attenuated Shh response due to lack of one of its downstream targets, Bmi1 (Figure 1). Notably, in both hippocampal progenitors and SVZ neural stem cells, Shh is important for proliferation and renewal (Lai et al. 2003 and Machold et al. 2003). Moreover, hematopoietic stem cells are regulated by this signaling route as well. Indian hedgehog, another member of the Hh family, activates hematopoiesis whereas Shh influences the proliferation of HSCs (Bhardwaj et al. 2001 and Dyer et al. 2001). Whether Bmi1 is an Hh target in other cell types and tissues awaits further investigation.
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Figure 1. Working Model of Bmi1 in the Shh Pathway in Cerebellar ProgenitorsBmi1 acts as a downstream effector of Shh signaling, required for full proliferation/self-renewal of cerebellar progenitor cells, in combination with activation of N-myc/CyclinD2. Thus, Shh is able to modulate both pRb (via N-myc and Bmi1/p16Ink4a) and p53 (via Bmi1/p19Arf). In addition, the involvement of other targets important in cerebellar biology remains a possibility (Shh, Sonic Hedgehog; PTCH, Patched; SMOH, Smoothened).
Other PcG Genes in the Nervous System
Studying the effects of PRC2 members on neurogenesis is complicated due to early embryonic lethality of knockout mice (Schumacher et al. 1996; Donohoe et al. 1999 and O'Carroll et al. 2001). However, a subset of embryos heterozygous for YY1 displays neural tube defects resembling exencephaly, pointing to a role for YY1 in nervous system development (Donohoe et al., 1999). Interestingly, in chimeras with Eed-deficient cells, contribution to the forebrain appears to be specifically reduced (Morin-Kensicki et al., 2001). For other PRC1 members, a function in NSC renewal has not yet been reported despite high expression of several PcG genes in the developing nervous system (Akasaka et al. 2001 and Schoorlemmer et al. 1997). This is most remarkable for Mel-18, which can compensate for Bmi1 deficiency in many other organs, suggesting a high degree of functional specification between these recently diverged PcG genes. (Akasaka et al., 2001). The Bmi1 cerebellar phenotype becomes more aggravated in Bmi1; Rnf2 doubly deficient compound mice (Voncken et al., 2003), showing synergistic interactions between these two PRC1 proteins in the nervous system. Notably, deficiency of Mph1/Rae28 leads to ocular abnormalities and malformations of neural-crest-derived tissues (Takihara et al., 1997). This is intriguing, since Mph1/Rae28 is essential for renewal of HSCs and is highly expressed in ES cells (Loring et al. 2001; Ohta et al. 2002 and Fortunel et al. 2003). It is plausible that, analogous to the situation with Bmi1, Mph1/Rae28 functions in NSC renewal as well.
The Tumor Suppressor Locus Ink4a/Arf Is an Important PcG Target in Stem Cells
Bmi1 is a potent negative regulator of the Ink4a/Arf locus in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (Jacobs et al., 1999). This locus encodes the cell cycle regulators and tumor suppressors p16Ink4a and p19Arf (p14ARF in humans). p16Ink4a affects the retinoblastoma protein pRb by inhibiting the cyclin D-Cdk4/6 kinase complexes. Hypophosphorylated pRb will sequester E2F transcription factors and actively repress their target genes, ultimately leading to cell cycle arrest, senescence, or apoptosis depending on context (reviewed in Sharpless and DePinho, 1999). p19Arf binds MDM2 and thereby inhibits degradation of the p53 transcription factor. This results in activation of p53 target genes, leading to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis (reviewed in Lowe and Sherr, 2003). Both p16Ink4a and p19Arf expression can be induced by aberrant mitogenic or oncogenic signaling, as well as upon tissue culture stress, thus functioning as a potent fail-safe mechanism preventing cells from engaging in uncontrolled proliferation.
Analogous to the situation in fibroblasts, in neural and hematopoietic stem cells lacking Bmi1, p16Ink4a, and p19Arf are upregulated (Molofsky et al. 2003 and Park et al. 2003). Conversely, Bmi1; Ink4a/Arf doubly deficient animals display a substantial rescue of the stem cell defects, as indicated by restored lymphocyte counts and normal cerebellar size (Jacobs et al., 1999). In neurosphere assays, loss of p16Ink4a alone in Bmi1-deficient NSCs partially rescues self-renewal capacity, suggesting that also p19Arf may additionally help to limit the self-renewal of these cells (Molofsky et al., 2003). Since the Ink4a/Arf locus strongly responds to tissue culture stress, careful in vivo analysis is needed to firmly establish the relative contribution of these proteins to the Bmi1-deficient phenotype. Nevertheless, the emerging role for this locus in restricting the potentially dangerous self-renewal divisions of stem cells through control of PcG signaling is an exciting connection. In line with PcG proteins acting in multiprotein complexes, additional PcG members regulate Ink4a/Arf, such as Mel-18 and Cbx7 (Jacobs et al. 1999 and Gil et al. 2004). Further, the developmental arrest of Rnf2-deficient embryos is accompanied by an upregulation of p16Ink4a and is partially bypassed in an Ink4a/Arf-deficient background (Voncken et al., 2003).
There is additional evidence supporting a more general function for Ink4a/Arf in stem cells. First, enforced expression of p16Ink4a or p19Arf in normal HSCs results in proliferative arrest or p53-dependent cell death, respectively (Park et al., 2003). Second, Ink4a/Arf-deficient bone marrow cells proliferate better than wild-type cells in tissue culture assays (Lewis et al., 2001), although in vivo reconstitution assays have not been reported as of yet. Still, it is clear that stem cell-cycle control does not entirely depend on this locus, as the Ink4a/Arf-deficient mouse appears relatively normal. This suggests the existence of multiple additional levels of regulation. Indeed, the cell cycle inhibitors p21Cip1 and p18Ink4c have already been reported to control stem cell proliferation (Cheng et al. 2000a and Yuan et al. 2004). Another cell cycle inhibitor, p27Kip1, affects proliferation of progenitors both in the hematopoietic system and the cerebellum (Cheng et al. 2000b and Miyazawa et al. 2000). An important future goal will be to unravel the relative contribution of the different cell cycle inhibitors to stem cell proliferation and their respective regulatory cascades.
It is important to mention the profound differences in cell cycle regulation between stem cells early in development versus adult stem cells or differentiated cells. This is best exemplified in ES cells, which have a very short G1 phase with almost undetectable levels of hypophosphorylated pRb (reviewed in Burdon et al., 2002). In addition, ES cells do not arrest upon p16Ink4a overexpression. Furthermore, p53 remains largely cytoplasmic and appears not to participate in DNA damage responses in ES cells. Ezh2 was postulated to regulate rapid cell proliferation during the transition from pre- to postimplantation stages (O'Carroll et al., 2001). Since it is unlikely that defects in Ezh2-deficient blastocysts result from Ink4a/Arf deregulation, there must be other as yet unknown PcG targets important in ES cells.
The best argument that not all PcG defects are associated with Ink4a/Arf deregulation is probably the incomplete rescue of multiple defects in Bmi1-deficient mice upon loss of the Ink4a/Arf locus (Jacobs et al., 1999). Also, EZH2 knockdown in fibroblasts does not upregulate p14ARF levels (Bracken et al., 2003). Furthermore, Ink4a/Arf expression is not altered in the hematopoietic system of Eed mutant mice (Lessard et al., 1999), and moreover, p16Ink4a or p19Arf expression is not altered in E14.5 Mph1/Rae28-deficient FL-HSCs (Ohta et al., 2002). The stoichiometry of early acting PcG complexes, which are relatively abundant in Mph1/Rae28, likely differs from the complexes found later in development, which contain more Bmi1 and are therefore capable of keeping Ink4a/Arf levels in check.
Are Hox Genes Implicated as PcG Targets in Stem Cells?
The skeletal defects of PcG mutant mice revealed PcG genes as Hox gene regulators (van der Lugt et al., 1994). Hox genes also determine cell fate in several other tissues. Hoxa5, Hoxa9, Hoxa10, Hoxb3, Hoxb4, and Hoxb6 are important in HSCs (Owens and Hawley, 2002). For instance, Hoxb4 overexpression enhances the self-renewal of HSCs (Antonchuk et al., 2002). Reciprocally, Hoxb4-deficient mice have disturbed hematopoiesis (Bjornsson et al., 2003). Extrapolating from their classical role in axial patterning, a simple view could be that PcG proteins repress Hox genes in differentiated hematopoietic cells. Remarkable in that respect, expression of a panel of relevant Hox genes was not altered in the hematopoietic organs of Eed, Bmi1, or Mph1/Rae28 mutant mice (Lessard et al. 1999; Ohta et al. 2002 and Lessard and Sauvageau 2003). In contrast, Bmi1 regulates three Hox genes in NSCs: Hoxd8, Hoxd9, and Hoxc9 (Molofsky et al., 2003). In vivo, Hox genes coordinate the patterning of the nervous system by influencing motor neuron diversification in the hindbrain and spinal cord (reviewed in Guthrie, 2004), though no robust expression has been described in NSCs (Santa-Olalla et al., 2003). Possibly, loss of Bmi1 induces loss of the undifferentiated nature of NSCs, as reflected by reactivated Hox gene expression.
Self-Renewal Capacity of Cancer Stem Cells Is Regulated by Bmi1
The hypothesis that cells with stem cell characteristics or “cancer stem cells” (CSCs) “drive” cancer proliferation and progression is receiving increasing support. This hypothesis offers an explanation for the extensive proliferative capacity of tumor cells, resembling self-renewal of stem cells. In addition, it explains at least in part why tumors often consist of heterogeneous cell populations: a small proportion of proliferating stem cells and a majority representing differentiated daughter cells. Stem cells also form attractive candidates as the origin of cancers, as in their long lifespan mutations and epigenetic changes can accumulate allowing increasing evolution toward malignancy. Indeed, only a small percentage of leukemic cells in patients have strong proliferative capacity. Moreover, a small subpopulation of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells was able to give rise to leukemia in secondary recipients. This subpopulation could be identified using surface markers and these leukemic stem cells turned out to closely resemble human hematopoietic stem cells (Lapidot et al. 1994 and Bonnet and Dick 1997). Recently, cancer stem cells were also found to reside within solid tumors including several types of brain cancers (Hemmati et al. 2003 and Singh et al. 2003) and breast carcinomas (Al-Hajj et al., 2003).
To date, it remains difficult to determine whether a cancer stem cell indeed is derived from a somatic stem cell, from a (de)differentiated progenitor or even a terminally differentiated cell. Notably, in vitro mature Ink4a/Arf-deficient astrocytes can regain neural stem cell-like characteristics upon activated epithelial growth factor (EGF) signaling (Bachoo et al., 2002). Moreover, these cells cause glioblastoma multiforme when injected into the brains of recipient mice, illustrating their functional dedifferentiation. Additionally, somatic cell nuclear transfer experiments highlight a remarkable reprogramming capacity, not only of “normal” cell nuclei but also of cancer cell-derived nuclei, such as from medulloblastoma or melanoma (Li et al. 2003 and Eggan et al. 2004). This illustrates that apart from genetic lesions, epigenetic processes by and large dictate (de)differentiation processes, which opens the challenge to identify the relevant players.
The Bmi1 PcG gene was originally identified as an oncogene inducing B or T cell leukemia (Haupt et al. 1991 and van Lohuizen et al. 1991). BMI1 is overexpressed in several human cancers, including mantle cell lymphoma, colorectal carcinoma, liver carcinomas, and nonsmall cell lung cancer (Beá et al. 2001; Vonlanthen et al. 2001; Kim et al. 2004 and Neo et al. 2004). Recent studies showed elegantly that Hoxa9-Meis1-transduced cells of Bmi1-deficient mice were able to generate AML in primary recipients, but unlike wild-type-derived AML cells, failed to reform AML in secondary recipients (Lessard and Sauvageau, 2003). Additionally, Bmi1-deficient hematopoietic progenitors are resistant to transformation by the chimeric oncogene E2a-Pbx1, a translocation frequently found in acute human pre-B lymphoblastic leukemias (Smith et al., 2003). Interestingly, overexpression of E2a-Pbx1 induces Bmi1, providing an alternative way of Ink4a/Arf suppression. This may explain the selective absence of loss-of-function mutations of the Ink4a/Arf locus in leukemias with E2a-Pbx1 translocations. Furthermore, cancer stem cells cultured from a panel of pediatric brain tumors showed high expression of Bmi1 among other stem cells markers (Hemmati et al., 2003). Finally, Bmi1 is overexpressed in a majority of medulloblastomas, tumors believed to arise from uncontrolled proliferating cerebellar granule cell precursors (Leung et al., 2004). It is possible that overexpression of Bmi1 not only stimulates rapid proliferation through repression of the Ink4a/Arf locus, but, reflecting its function in neural stem cells, also allows the CGNPs to “return to” or maintain a more stem cell-like state. Interestingly, in line with the role of Bmi1 in proliferation of CGNPs downstream of Shh, overexpression was found in those medulloblastomas harboring activated Shh signaling (Leung et al., 2004). In addition to contributing to medulloblastoma, misregulation of Shh signaling plays a role in multiple types of cancers with presumed cancer stem cell characteristics, including basal cell carcinoma, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and small-cell lung carcinoma (reviewed in Pasca di Magliano and Hebrok, 2004). It will be important to assess if also in these cancers a connection between Bmi1 and Shh exists.
Prospective Roles for Other PcG Genes in Cancer Stem Cells
PRC2 members are also associated with cancer. EZH2 is upregulated in many cancers such as leukemia, prostate cancer, and breast cancer (Raaphorst et al. 2001; Varambally et al. 2002; Bracken et al. 2003 and Kleer et al. 2003). Interestingly, high EZH2 expression localizes to more primitive malignant cell types, often in combination with high BMI1 expression (Raaphorst et al., 2001). Whether high PcG expression reflects the acquirement of stem cell-like properties and/or influences the self-renewal of cancer stem cells remains to be elucidated. In prostate cancer, high EZH2 expression is indicative of a metastatic character of the disease and knockdown of EZH2 in prostate cancer cell lines causes a marked inhibition of cell growth (Varambally et al., 2002). In vitro, Ezh2 is capable of acting as an oncogene and can be induced by the E2F transcription factors. Curiously, Ezh2 expression is not cell cycle regulated (Bracken et al., 2003). Furthermore, the marked growth arrest of U2OS tumor cell line upon EZH2 depletion suggests a far more drastic effect than cell cycle deregulation via INK4a/ARF or p53 only.
Another component of PRC2, SU(Z)12, is upregulated in human colon and breast tumors (Kirmizis et al., 2003). Interestingly, the promoter of SU(Z)12 can be bound by β-catenin/TCF complexes, downstream targets of Wnt signaling. Wnt signaling is essential for stem cell activity in various tissues, such as the hematopoietic system, skin, and intestine (Fuchs et al., 2004). Although highly speculative, it is possible that in skin and intestine and in cancers derived therefrom, PcG could be linked to another important developmental signaling pathway, such as Wnt, through PRC2.
Concluding Remarks
It seems reasonable to designate at least the PRC1 gene Bmi1, and probably also Mph1/Rae28, as genes intrinsically conferring stem cell characteristics to a cell. However, there is some debate whether such uniformly acting “stemness genes” exist at all, since the search for a stem cell “molecular signature” by comparing the transcriptional profiles of several stem cells and progenitors only identified one gene as a common outlier: integrin α 6 (Ivanova et al. 2002; Ramalho-Santos et al. 2002; Iwashita et al. 2003 and Fortunel et al. 2003). Several commentaries have highlighted the technical difficulties associated with these types of assays. Additionally, as cell-extrinsic signals are such important factors in the maintenance of the stem cell pool, it may be crucial to analyze stem cell expression profiles in the appropriate context of the stem cell niche.
It is evident though that Bmi1 is essential for the self-renewal of hematopoietic, neural, and cancer stem cells, and proliferation of cerebellar granule neuron progenitors (Lessard and Sauvageau 2003; Molofsky et al. 2003; Park et al. 2003 and Leung et al. 2004). This is well in line with the specific defects observed in mice that have lost Bmi1 expression in all cells from fertilization onward, which can all be traced back to malfunctioning stem cell compartments. Notably, the fact that Bmi1 is indispensable for the self-renewal of cancer stem cells further stresses the importance of (de)regulation of developmental genes, such as the PcG genes, in cancer and stem cell biology.
The Ink4a/Arf tumor suppressor locus is one of the targets via which PcG exerts its control over stem cell proliferation (Figure 2). Thus, like other cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, Ink4a/Arf is also implicated in the developmental control of stem cells. However, other relevant PcG targets must exist. Possibly these are involved in alternative aspects of stem cell identity, such as the prevention of differentiation programs. As with the stemness profiles mentioned above, common PcG targets have not yet been revealed by expression array analysis. Apart from technical difficulties, stoichiometrical differences between the PcG complexes during development might account for altered sets of target genes, providing multiple levels of control.
Full-size image (20K)
Figure 2. Speculation of How the Niche or Extrinsic Signals Can at Least in Part Regulate “Stemness” by Governing Intrinsic Cell Cycle RegulatorsWnt is in intestine known to regulate p21Cip1 via c-Myc, however possible links with PcG proteins have also been suggested (see text). Shh regulates the PcG complex by increasing Bmi1 levels, thereby possibly influencing the p16Ink4a and p19Arf cell cycle inhibitors. For other niche signals (such as Notch or BMP) and cell cycle inhibitors (such as p18Ink4c), no such relationships have been described as yet.
We propose a model in which a distinct PcG complex confers stemness to cells, as opposed to other flavors of PcG protein complexes, which are required to maintain differentiated cell fates. The composition of this complex might vary between embryonic and adult stem cells. We assume that Mph1/Rae28 is more important in embryonic stem cells relative to Bmi1, which seems more required for adult stem cells. The histone methyltransferase activity of Ezh2 in the PRC2 complex is essential for the self-renewal of ES cells, but the exact role of PRC2 in other stem cells remains to be investigated. The link between Shh signaling and PcG through Bmi1 provides a first glimpse of connections between external signaling morphogens and cell-intrinsic epigenetic mechanisms controlling cell fate programs (Figure 2). The emerging complexity of PcG silencers, subdivided into at least two functionally different complexes and harboring many homologs, provides excellent opportunities for fine-tuning the output resulting in appropriate gene expression patterns and cell fate maintenance. Moreover, PcG signaling might also influence the characteristics of the niche cells, providing yet another layer of control. Future research is likely to reveal further connections between developmental morphogens that regulate cell fate such as Shh, Wnt, and Notch, and cell-intrinsic relays, such as PcG, which are able to mediate stable epigenetic regulation of gene expression programs.
We thank A. Lund, M. Hernandez and I. Muijrers for critically reading this manuscript. M. Valk-Lingbeek is supported by a Pioneer grant from the Netherlands organization for Scientific Research to M.v.L. Sophia Bruggeman is supported by grants from the Dutch Cancer Society to M.v.L. We apologize to colleagues whose original work could not be cited due to space constraints.
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